Imagination - it's more powerful than you imagine
Imagination has a fantastic healing power. Yes, healing.
Pause for a moment and consider your imagination. Are you aware of it? What do you think of when you read the word, or hear me say, “Imagination”?
Some people think, oh it’s just escapism. Imagination is what little kids do to ‘make believe’, to live outside reality. Some think it’s day dreaming about the things they want in life, like a mixture of wishing and pining. Others think that it’s only for artists or creative people, and that they just aren’t creative, “I don’t have an imagination, or rarely use it. Who cares it’s not dealing with reality.”
But it might surprise you to know, that you are incredibly creative, and conscious of it or not, you are actually creative daily, and your imagination is well in tact, and actually effecting your well being, your emotions, your energy, your physical health and your response to situations.

Imagination has instant physical outcomes
Imagine for a second you have a nice, fresh lemon in your left hand. Really feel it there, feel its weight, the texture… it’s fresh, ripe and filled with flavor. Feel it there and imagine you can smell the aroma coming from within it. Now imagine pealing it a little as it erupts mists of powerful lemon scent!
Did you start to salivate? Did your mouth start to get prepared for fresh sour lemon? YES! If not, do it again, and really let yourself feel it! It’s simple and easy. Close your eyes if you need to.
Now, where’s the lemon? Where is it? Well… if you’re like me, it’s all in your imagination. There is no lemon.
Imagine now you have to meet someone you don’t like. How often are you imagining things like this where you are creating a reality in your mind and not realizing that it’s your imagination and it’s not really happening? The body, the unconscious mind, doesn’t think about time or space. Whatever you powerfully imagine with feeling is REAL to it. Just like a powerful dream.
So you’re thinking of how to avoid that person, what to say to her (or not say), what she is going to say to you, or how he is going to behave toward you. You can see them, hear them, feel them, and more, you have a clear imagination of you. In the mean time, what’s happening with your body? Your body is building neural networks, producing hormones, sending messages to the hormone centres fo the body, and creating an environment that your genetic production responds to.
And yet… it’s all happening in imagination.

It’s not limited to ‘realistic’ images… it’s feelings, it’s symbolic, it’s metaphorical, its sensing… beyond thinking and analyzing
So, when I say ‘imagination’, I don’t mean imagine winning the lottery or getting your soul mate although that too can be of benefit.
Healing modalities like those Tony Robbins uses, or Gabor Mate, even Byron Katie, or people like me who use NLP and Reiki, compassionate inquiry, hypnosis and inner family systems, make powerful use of the imagination beyond literal and logical thought.
You want to learn how to start doing this? Do you want to harness your imagination with purpose, grace and ease… for GOOD? Book a call
Beyond the manifestation industry, imagination when used with curiosity, love and positive intent, can provide instant healing to emotional triggers, negative thought loops, resentment, shame, and even end habitual unconscious reactions that perpetuate negative outcomes.
It’s so powerful it can seem impossible. But when belief to the necessity of pain is broken, and openness to healing is nurtured, this wonderful imagination that we all have built in, can result in the miraculous.